Wandering Camera

Album 39
(Translated by Svetlana Guzeeva)


I don't have much historical information on Lopukhinsky garden, for some reason majority of books don't reflect this place in any way, unless a paragraph in the "Guide on Leningrad". 
It's situated between Kamennoostrovsky prospect, Academician Pavlov street and malaya Nevka.


apr10_02.jpg (37266 bytes) Garden or even to say more precisely, small garden of landscape type is a bogged river with a couple of bridges, sympathetic pavilion, pier and a house. We're going down the stairs and will walk over the bridge to pavilion..
Alas, the author is unknown to me. Pavilion itself contains gearing for bridge control as I was suggested. apr10_05.jpg (45108 bytes)
apr10_11.jpg (39288 bytes) You come across the old trees quite often.
That's how Kamennoostrovsky palace from Lopukhinsky garden looks like from Nevka bridge. You already could see a similar shot in the album devoted to Kamenny island, however here it came out much better. apr10_09.jpg (30503 bytes)
apr10_08.jpg (26211 bytes) Dacha of 19th century construction. 
We'll walk over to the other bank of the tiny river and come closer to the pier which is seen in the right of the shot.
Estate of Lopukhins belonged to them since the end of 18th century, and then was carried over to the merchants Gromov and Alferov. apr10_04.jpg (49542 bytes)
apr10_16.jpg (37783 bytes) Descent to the water.
Quite a remarkable railing along the embankment.  apr10_15.jpg (34187 bytes)
apr10_26.jpg (43558 bytes) Now we'll take a closer look at the dacha building itself.
apr10_19.jpg (46613 bytes) apr10_20.jpg (30859 bytes)
There are various kinds of lattice everywhere, partly already new, partly old, as for instance railing in the right in the shot, from the balcony of the second floor. apr10_18.jpg (32388 bytes)
apr10_22.jpg (35392 bytes) Decoration of the unclear destination, definitely with its own history though.
Details of appearance of one of the dacha windows. apr10_21.jpg (37974 bytes)
apr10_27.jpg (39430 bytes) Garden fence from Academician Pavlov street side. 
Sympathetic dragon is part of the porch from the opposite side of dacha (nowadays some commercial companies reside in there).  apr10_24.jpg (40582 bytes)
apr10_25.jpg (38240 bytes) There is a small pond sparkling in the rays of the sun in the corner of the park closer to Kamennoostrovsky prospect.
The ball you see in the foreground is actually about three centimeters in diameter at most :-) apr10_29.jpg (50946 bytes)
apr10_28.jpg (36935 bytes) I think, it's enough of snow in the albums in this season, further we'll be gradually moving to summer. 

As you've probably already noticed, two more links appeared in the main page - those are english and german versions of the Wandering Camera.


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