Wandering Camera

Album 38
(Translated by Svetlana Guzeeva)


Sunny day, cold and chilling wind. 
Proper weather for visiting Yelagin island.


Yelagin appears to be rather suburb, it slightly reminds me of Pavlovsk. Most constructions are made by Karl Ivanovich Rossi, as for instance this remarkable Music pavilion. 
By the way, vases in the right are very similar to the vases by pavilions of Anichkov palace.
apr04_11.jpg (47535 bytes)
apr04_06.jpg (32960 bytes) The same pavilion but from the front side, from Nevka embankment. To say the truth, I better like the previous foreshortening.
And that's how it, blown through, looks from inside. apr04_12.jpg (21618 bytes)
apr04_09.jpg (25504 bytes) Rows of arcs decorated with masks on the crossed swords (in the shot below). 

I was corrected - those aren't swords at all but quite the reverse - thyrsi (rods twined round with ivy).

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And this is a different pavilion now, called "Pavilion at the granite pier".  apr04_14.jpg (32330 bytes)
apr04_07.jpg (18341 bytes) Griffins decorate it inside.
Shot through the columns in the direction of pier. Outstanding tree :-) apr04_15.jpg (28471 bytes)
apr04_03.jpg (26981 bytes) Yelagin palace…
…from Maslyany meadow side.  apr04_21.jpg (27541 bytes)
apr04_34.jpg (41636 bytes) Closer. I'll note that the entrance was supposed to be decorated with lions but now they're probably at the restoration.
Cook-house building.  apr04_17.jpg (40787 bytes)
apr04_20.jpg (19064 bytes) There are sculptures by S.S. Pimenov in the bays (I did not remember this but read!).
Left wing of greenhouse building, apparently the porch and semicircular straight arc regard to relatively recent times.. apr04_19.jpg (34526 bytes)
apr04_33.jpg (20693 bytes) Bas-reliefs on the greenhouse wall.
Stabling building from Maslyany meadow side.  apr04_16.jpg (37133 bytes)
apr04_32.jpg (30798 bytes) The same
Further we'll move to the western spit of the island through the spring forest. By the way, park arrangement works were held under the direction of D. Bush :) apr04_30.jpg (42416 bytes)
apr04_23.jpg (36630 bytes) One can observe such a pavilion at the small island in the middle of one of the lakes, judging by appearance it's inaccessible for restorers too.
Nevka in the rays of the spring sun


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apr04_28.jpg (21782 bytes) Here we're at the spit. In 1926 two lions were brought and established here, authorship seemingly belongs to Voronikhin.
For such a long period of time the stone got looking as sponge owing to the influence of wind from the gulf. apr04_27.jpg (23584 bytes)
apr04_29.jpg (47181 bytes)

As it said in one of the books: "…to the Western spit of Yelagin island from where townspeople became accustomed to admire exceptional beauty of the northern sunsets…". 

However there's not a living soul in such weather. Lions must feel bored. But that's not new for them.

Such is Yelagin. Few words and many shots :-)


prev. album (37) (C) Петp Соболев


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