Wandering Camera

Album 184
(Translated by
Larissa Rogacheva)


Lets walk by the edge of the Big Pond, beginning from The Admiralty.


The Big Pond looks like this, pretty much…
We are moving from right to left at the closest bank.
Originally it use to be the not so big pond, but in 1720th it was extended, deepened, adorned with rocks and generally beatified accordingly to the principles of the Classicistic park's architecture. The island was created in the middle of the pond.
In 1774 the architect V. Neelov amended the outline of the banks with few creaks and capes and finished the work.
Here is the firs pavilion on our way.

"The Hall on The Island" is intended for the concerts and the rest from rowing the dinghies, at some point of time the kitchen use to exist next to it.

"The Hall" had very eventful history of construction: architects Zemtsov, Chevakinskiy and Rasstrelli were working on the project and the original pavilion was built in 1740th. In 1794 J. Quarengi renovated it, in 1816 it was a tern of an architect L. Ruska and eventually in 1819 V. Stasov changed it for last time.

In 1911 the pavilion became a restaurant and for some years the pontoon bridge was providing access for its patrons. The ferry crossing existing now was open in 1996.
The Chesmen Column raise out of water just a bit fewer from the island.
The Column is built by the order of Catherine II; designed by A.Rinaldi, constructed in 1774-78, the 25m tall monument made from Olonets's marble commemorates the Russian naval victory over Turkey (June 24-26, 1770).
Other three plaques on the sides of the columns base are depicting the diagrams of the three most important battles of the Russo-Turkish war: at Xiose, at Mitilenke and in Chesmen harbor. The eagle on top of the column is symbolizing Russia,
In the eagle's claw - the Moon, symbol of Turkey.
The plaques as well as an eagle are works of sculptor I. Schwartz.

The column is connected to the island by quiet unsightly walk bridge.
Next is the Turkish bath house, architect I.Monighetti built in 1850-52 for the Nicolas I.
On the left from Turkish bath we can see The Pyramid.
The original project by V. Neelov dated 1770-1772, but dismantled and renovated by C. Cameron in 1774.

Behind The Pyramid is the little cemetery for Catherine II's favorite dogs.

It is very spooky, damp and cold inside.
Lets go back to Turkish baths.
Just like The Chesmen Column it is a monument to Russo-Turkish war, only another war: 1828-1829The bathhouse, which looks like a mosque… It even has a minaret with a moon on top. They did not care for political correctness mach in 19th century…

The pavilion was almost completely destroyed during the war (1941-1945), in 1953 it was restored, but only exterior.

On the right you can see The Marble (Palladian) Bridge.
It will be the good point of departure for our next walk, see you in the next album…




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