Wandering Camera

Album 185
(Translated by
Larissa Rogacheva)


Today we will have a look at few bridges of the different shapes and sizes in the Pushkin's park.


The first is The" Marble" or "Palladian" Bridge. This bridge has purely decorative purpose it was built as an architectural novelty.
This Bridge has a twin in Buckinghamshire (England) by architect H. Herbert, which was built accordingly to the architectural teachings of Andrea Palladio (1508-1580).
This bridge has yet another name: " The Siberian Marble Gallery" The marble for it came from Siberian Olonets region and was transformed into the architectural perfection by Ural's famous stone masters.
Architect V. Neelov built the Marble Bridge in 1770-1774.
The First "Hunchback "Bridge across the Fish canal. Not far from this one can be found its exact copy..
The second "Hunchback "Bridge
The "Deville" Bridge is the cascade between the first and the second Lower ponds.

On the left from the bridge is The Morey Column.

All those bridges are by V.Neelov and constructed in 1774-1775.

The Morey Column (The Small Rostral Column by other name) is the monument for the victory of Russian fleet at Morey Peninsula in Mediterranean Sea. Catherine I in 1771 ordered its construction.

Most probably it designed by architect A. Rinaldy.

The plaque at its base says:

"In 1770, February 17, two Russian ships under the Count's Fedor Orlov command came to Morey Peninsula in Mediterranean Sea by the port town Vitullo. The infantry troops landed there after which ships went to Modon with the aim to help the Christian brothers there.
The Captain Barkov together with Sparta's eastern Legion took Passave, Berdony and Sparta; then the captain Prince Dolgorukiy with Sparta's western legion took Calamata, Leokarty and Arcadia. The brigadier Gannibal was victorious in Navarin's fortress.
Just 6 hundred of the brave Russian soldiers took 6 thousands of Turkish prisoners."

The brigadier Gannibal mentioned here is the granduncle of A. Pushkin.

Not much can be said about this bridge, only that is crossing Vittoll's canal and Orlov's (Gatchina's) Gait is not far from it.
The same bridge.

It cold Rump's Bridge (from the name of the alley)

Unfortunately the name of the bridge on foreground is unknown to me, but I can tell you something about the one behind it.
The Red (Turkish) cascade built in 1770 by V. Neelov and has a nickname
The "Tower" bridge.
Technically it is not a bridge, but the water gait, it impossible to cross the canal by it.
This cascade as well as the next one is the important part of upper ponds hydro system (project of an engineer I. Gerard)
The next is the Pudost's Bridge; the name came from pudist's stone it is made of.

The name of its designer is lost…

Yet another "Grotto" can be seen behind the bridge.
This elaborate bridge named the "Big Chinese" bridge is crossing the "Cross" canal between the "Golden" Gait of Catherine Palace and Chinese village.
It designed by C. Cameron and built in 1785.

The railing is stylized as red corrals.

Originally four sculptures of chinamen holding the lamps use to complete the composition.

Just shortly from the "China" bridge on the same canal the "Cross" Bridge is situated.
It is not open for walking, so we'll just look from outside.

The "Cross" Bridge was designed by V. and I. Neelov and opened in 1779.

Apparently it is one of earliest examples of concrete's use the history of the bridge building.




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