Wandering camera

Album six
(Translated by D. Mosesian)

St. Basil Island, Cathedral of St. Vladimir, Cathedral of St. Nicolas, Griffins

The weather is exceptionally good today, especially if you remember that it was raining hard for last two days
Today we'll walk along Malyi prospect of Basil Island up to Jubileinyi sports complex.
And for dessert, although in the bad weather already, from Mariinskii theater to Nevskii prospect.

On the foreground - the chapel of the church of the Annunciation (the church proper is behind the trees)

Petrovskii stadium (on your right - Tuchkov bridge)

Floating hotel "Petergof"

Receding Congressional line, on your right the bell tower of the St. Catherine's church.
(Neva is behind us)

Cathedral of St. Vladimir not far from the new metro station "Sportivnaia".
By the way, it came out to be a rather nice station, I recommend you to visit it.

Just the sign on the cathedral
Glinki street, Mariinskii theater

And here is the monument to the person whose name has the street

Farther along the street - domes of St. Nicolas Cathedral.
Here is the bell tower. Quite withered by time and lack of attention. Those construction materials nearby are not a sign of anything since they were lying last summer at the same spot and in the same quantity.
Interesting, why would a church need balconies ? I feel the lack of religious education..

I like those lamp here. And may be something else :)
The number of the building came out kind of interesting.

Banks bridge (across Griboedova canal) and the well known Griffins that hold it.

The restored recently the bridge and the Griffins - changed the wooden walkway and gold-plated the wings. I apologize, it is already getting dark, but that's also a reason to take their picture again :)
Petersburg in the evening...
(a little farther from Griboedova)

The snow is everywhere on the streets and the temperature is -20C, but the city will be under snow for a long time yet, will it ?

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