Wandering Camera

Album 52
(Translated by Svetlana Guzeeva)


So then, the last topical album of this summer.
Savior on the spilled Blood (mentioned by me once) and its surroundings.


Savior on the Spilled Blood (or Christ Resurrection Cathedral, as it's also called) was built in 1883-1907 at the place of "Narodnaya Volya" members' attempt (in 1881) at Alexander the II. The fact that Alexander the II was going in the carriage at that moment and not boating along Yekaterininsky canal (Griboedov canal nowadays) causes joy.


Construction started after reviewing the competition for the best project, archimandrite Ignatius (Makarov) became the author of cathedral as a result. At that realization was entrusted to architect Parland.

Need of resemblance with St.Basil's Cathedral in Moscow was claimed among the requirements to the competitive works (in my opinion, quite achieved).

If trusting one of the books, the state (already capitalistic at that period) failed money for cathedral construction, in this connection they've been looking for sponsors for quite long. Found. For the financial support they've been promised to have their names immortalized on the tablets attached to the cathedral walls. 
Cheated  :)
Mosaic was made in the studio of Frolovs according to originals of the famous artists - V.M. Vasnetsov, M.V. Nesterov, M.A. Vrubel, A.P. Ryabushkin.
By its style Savior on the Spilled Blood doesn't agree with surrounding buildings, to put it mildly. Owing to this, the attitude to it is very ambiguous. For instance, the famous book by Shwarts contains such words: 
"..here we have unwieldy, too massive construction in front of us, which is concerned with the general appearance of the canal embankment in no way. The glow and excessive resplendence of the wall covering increases only impression of disproportion and clumsiness made by church".
Nevertheless, everyone got used to it now, after all in spite of the peculiar style cathedral is rather beautiful itself.
The fence which separates Savior on the Spilled Blood from Mikhailovsky garden was established in 1907. 
It's under restore now. As far as one can judge by the report on SPb TV - the railing was forged anew. At that the blacksmith was heavily swearing at the low quality of work of the previous restorers. 
I won't dare to affirm that this is a common clothing of Petersburg dwellers :-)
Sacristy of Savior on the Spilled Blood.
It was built at about the same time as the cathedral itself, in the network of the same project.
Three bridges, though formally there're only two of them - over Moyka and Griboedov canal. At the map they're marked as "Teatralny and Malo-Konushenny".
The one over Griboedov is basically Teatralny.

Bridges were built in 1829-30 by engineers Tretter and Adam.


Mother is feeding children, father is observing the process :-)

At this point that's all. That's enough of these places for us - for half a year at least. Though I'll venture to surmise that one will be able to glance at that side of Mikhailovsky garden railing in one of the autumn albums...

Next album is the last one in this summer. It'll be collection of shots which seemed interesting to me. With no any binding to geography. 


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