Wandering Camera

Album 329
(Translated b
y Natalia)


In this short album I would like to say some words about such a modern thing as Ushakov road junction.


Ushakov road junction was built in 2000 and connected Primorsky prospect (in the left) and Ushakov embankment of Bolshaya Nevka (in the right) with viaduct. Before that the traffic stream had crossed there with another stream from Kamennoostrovsky prospect, so there were lots of cars and they were making giant traffic jams.
The location of this junction is very sensitive, which caused lots of arguments and protests. It's almost historical center, there are many architecture monuments around and so on.
I guess, they haven't found money to make a tunnel.
Finally, the road junction has been made looking like in "old days" and had succefully blended into the environment. Now it's hard to imagine if it wasn't there.

Well, they couldn't totally avoid any losses, though. For example, we can see in this picture, that it has become impossible to take a good picture of Navy Academy.

Architects are: E.L.Gerasimov, O.A.Harchenko, V.F.Hivrich.
Gerasimov and Harchenko change their places sometimes in information sources. :)

V.S.Vasilkovsky and P.A.Arishev are mentioned as the authors of overpass' decoration.

Pedestrian underpass is added. Its entrance is visible here (down left).

As decorations, the "guns" are established above

"Little fish" on the streetlight base
The empty space under the road junction was instantly favored by skateboard enthusiasts :)
Source says:

"...the overpass is 580m-long and 23.4m-wide. Its crosswise incline is made for a speedy driving along the curve, and longitudinal one reminds the smooth outlines of city bridges."




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