Wandering Camera

Album 316
(Translated b
y Straube)


A few snapshots from two different but close places - Yusupov Garden in Sadovaya street and the corner of Sadovaya street and Griboedov canal.


The railway transport museum at Sadovaya st, 50.

Was opened for visitors in 1862 (first exhibits appeared there in 1813). The museum functiones by the Institute of Communications Engineering.

Now it accommodates about 6,000 exponats.

The building was designed by P.S. Kupinsky and was constructed in 1902 for administration and storehouse of "Society of Rescue on Waters". It was expanded in 1910 according to E.E. Baumgarten project.

There is another remarkable building in the garden - Yusupov Palace.

It is not the well-known palace where Rasputin had been killed. (That one is situated on Moika river and we'll soon visit it).

As to this palace, it was built in 1709-s according to D. Kwarengi project in place of the wooden house situated on the bank of Fontanka river.
The palace belonged to Senator Yusupov, but in 1810 was sold to the State Treasury and given to Communications Engineers.

F.F.Vigel writes in his memoirs:
""To prevent the future deficit of engineers it was decided to found the Institute of Communications Engineering. For this purpose practically for nothing (300,000 roubles) was bought a magnificent house, or rather, a palace on Fontanka river, near the Obuhov bridge. The owner, Prince Yusupov, had made it first-rate, imitating the hotels in Sen-Jermen district, between the garden and the yard..."

In Soviet times the palace hosted the Electronic Computers Department (Institute of Railroad Communications). As they say, the computer "Ural" occupied the whole big dancing room :.
The Head of the Department was A.A. Eiler - the descendant of the famous matematician.

In 19-20 centuries the frozen ponds have seen a lot of well-known skaters - the garden is considered as a cradle of figure skating in Russia.

We have already seen this place in previous albums - to the left is Krukov canal, to the right - Griboedov canal. Behind us is Sadovaya street. In front - Nikolsky Naval Cathedral built by Tchevakinsky. On the left picture is the belltower.
A view of Griboedov canal.
To the left - a building of Soviet times.
Most likeky built in 1960-s, though it reminds me the architecture of 1930-s (except the glass first floor).
Estonian (Saint-Isidorovskaya) church. It's called Estonian, because it belonged to estonian orthodox congregation.

architect - A.A. Poleshuk.

Behind, on the corner of Krukov canal and Sadovaya street we can see the Nikolsky market.
It was built in 1788-89.

Now it's more or less restored, at least outside.

The Krukov canal perspective.
"Adjacent bridge". Behind it is Fontanka river and the buildings of the mental hospital.




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