Wandering Camera

Album 300
(Translated b
y Natalia)


The jubilee, 300th album. Of course, It was necessary to fuss about and release it at 300th anniversary of St.Petersburg… OK, let it stay like this! :)

So, in previous album we went out to Bolshaya Nevka . Here (at the left from Kantemirovsky bridge and modern shining building "Aquatoria") is an old building at Vyborgskaya embankment, 63. In summer it's almost imperceptible because of the trees.


This is the Golovin's country house.
Built in 1823-1824by architector L.Sharleman for the count F.A.Golovin.
A very angry dog is running around - looks like it's guarding this architecture monument.

It is strange, that it has not bitten me - it's intentions were absolutely clear and transparent

Construction is completely wooden
Have to notice that it's not the only one building in St.Petersburg made by L.Sharleman. He also projected the grating of Letniy Sad ("Summer garden") from Moyka river side (grating with Medusa's heads and axes) and the tea house in the same garden.

Many buildings also built under the projects of his brother.

Golovin's country house is considered to be the one of the best monuments of an empire style, built in St.Petersburg from wood.
And this is the view from the "courtyard" (not from Nevka).




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