Wandering Camera

Album 284
(Translated b
y Michael Tarley, Jr.)


Let's continue with the interior of the Constantine Palace.

The second large, well known, and historically significant hall is the Marble Hall.
This, like the Blue Hall (see the previous album), was decorated in part based on the aquarelles by the architect L. Ruska during the 19th century.
The relief above the entrance to the hall.
The Marble Hall is located above the arch in the center of the Palace.

This, probably, is the reason for the hall's other name: the Central Hall.

Ceiling murals. I've seen something similar (a two griffons painting) at one of the other palaces.
The conference table equipment.

The sign says "PHILIPS".

A landing at the bottom of a staircase.
This is, probably, the most interesting room.
 It reminds me of a ship's cabin.
These stairs are closed, but I think that is the entry to the belvedere above the center of the Palace.
Messrs. Bush and Putin sat in these.

As noted by someone from our tour group: "they won't let us sit here, that's for sure" :)

The windows, too, are in a "naval" style.
Specially curved window glass (as is easy to see).
A sculpture by a staircase.
If I am not mistaken, this room contains "The Naval Glory of Russia" exhibition.

What would I want to note as we come to the end of the tour?

True enough, the whole Palace of Congresses complex is but one more residence for the bureaucrats and one more hotel for the businessmen. Not for the normal folks to walk and relax in the park.

But things changes. There was a time when most of the palaces now open were similarly shuttered. Let's be glad the park and the palace were restored. In due time they, too, will find a good use.



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