Wandering Camera

Album 262
(Translated b
y Marianna Serebrennikova)


As it was promised in the previous Album now we walk through the Winter palace gates into its courtyard.


For a long time (since 1917 practically) the courtyard was closed for visitors and it was opened after reconstruction only this year.

Far away in the right you can see the arch, we entered through.

The courtyard general view.
As you can see it is quite spacious.
There was a fountain of G. Bott’s working in previous time in the center of the courtyard. Now its appearance is changed somewhat.
The girl is from Vietnam obviously.
As they write the courtyard is reconstructed as on 1885 (N. Gornostaev’s project), but on a lower mark.

Denmark and Russia was engaged in it jointly.

It was planned also to accentuate outlines of foundations of palaces, which existed here earlier (they were found while reconstruction process).
Through the courtyard it is possible to enter into the Hermitage (while the courtyard was closed, the entrance was from side of Dvortsovaya Naberezhnaya only)
Unfortunately, it is impossible to walk from the courtyard to Neva through cashes. But you can do it vice versa – from Neva to the courtyard.
Cashes and the others are looking quite modern now.
On the left you can see LCD panels containing various kinds of information.

Truly saying the design (a revolving door especially) harmonizes with the palace interiors and the chandelier badly.

Regarding accordance with the project of 1885: it seems to be not full. It concerns paving with granite flags (on the right of the photo) and quite modern, to my mind, street lamps as well.
Nowadays concerts are arranged here, the courtyard can seat up to five thousand people.
The flower-bed and the fountain in the middle of the courtyard.




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