Wandering Camera

Album 259
(Translated b
y Ingerid Maria Opdahl)


From 30 June to 4 July, the third St. Petersburg International Sand Sculpture Festival was held on the beach in front of the Peter and Paul Fortress.


The competition's theme was "And the boat is sailing..."
This is made by Czech sculptors.

It is called something like "A Loch Ness meeting".

Another Czech piece, "Nostalgia".

Teams from around fifteen countries participated: the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Finland, Germany, Sweden, Austria, Belgium, the Netherlands, Estonia, Latvia, Ireland, Switzerland, and others, and also Russians from Moscow, Archangel, Yakutsk and St. Petersburg.

A meeting of sculptures...

The man with the ginger beard to the right is a Finnish sculpture.

The winner of the competition, "Flying over waves".

It was made by the sisters Kirke Kangro and Anna-Magdalena Kangro from Estonia.

I cannot agree with the choice of the jury.

For example, I like the piece "Seven pounds under the keel" far better.

Before the competition started, a boat-shaped area of 200 metres' length was fenced off, and divided into "cabins", inside which the sculptures were made.
The piece "Peter's creation" by sculptors from Yakutia.

The Yakutian artists may be forgiven for not knowing what Petersburg people think of Shemyakin's Peter I monument. The monument clearly inspired this sculpture. At its right one sees the bell tower of the Peter and Paul Cathedral, and St. Isaac's Cathedral.
It looks good like this.

The ribbon that surrounds the back of the sculpture has the inscription "POLTAVA NARVA SAINT-PETERSBURG".

I would call this piece "Victims of the Compass" :)
The sculpture to the right is "Seven pounds under the keel".
The same again.
This composition is difficult to understand.
To the left is a computer with the inscription "WWW.HEI.SE" on the screen; "AHOI" is written on the calculator, and the item to the right bears the inscription "ESTONIA". The inkpot with a protruding cone is inscribed with "INK".

The piece is called "Friendship of the peoples".
The artists are from the Netherlands and Belgium.

I've been told that other participants made the inscriptions.

They choose the Peter and Paul beach!
This work of sand art that was outside of the competition, by the look of it, proved particularly popular :)
If it hadn't been for the vandals, it would probably have lasted for centuries :)

To the left is "Lost art & fact".
It was made by Irina Telalim and Aleksandr Karagmur (Bulgaria).

What can I say? It's similar.

In the background: the Admiralty and St. Isaac's Cathedral.
In the background: the vessel "Triton" and Dvortsovy Bridge.
The inscription says


It was made by Swedes.

I've heard that the thing that looks like a mushroom is something like a coat of arms either of the Baltic Sea, or of some Swedish town. It featured on the pennant by the side.

Who's the toughest? :)
"Water fun".

Germany and St. Petersburg, Christoph Rossner and Aleksandr Baranov.

This was made by Ukrainians, all participants of a kind (outside of the competition).
The inscriptions say:


and something that is difficult to understand, perhaps Greek.

This is all.

If anyone knows what the sculptures (or their creators) on the photos are called, and it's not in the text, please tell me.




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