Wandering Camera

Album 253
(Translated b
y Michael Tarley, Jr.)


To conclude this Spring series of albums, as usual, I offer for your viewing pleasure a few photos, not included in prior albums.


The Palace Square.
The sun's reflection in a puddle at the square.
The General Staff Building.
The fountain and sculpture at the Admiralty.
The Kunstkammer. The white sphere on the embankment was installed for the laser show during the city's 300-year celebration. By now it is gone.
A timber carrier by the Lieutenant Schmidt embankment with the St. Isaac Cathedral across the Neva river.
The Palace bridge and the tourists, who took river rides in droves.
A courtyard along the Kazanskaya street.
The St. Isaac Cathedral as seen over the roofs on Kazanskay street.
Naval St. Nicholas Cathedral of the Epiphany as seen from behind the Mariinsky theater.
Krukov canal.
The chapel of the Naval St. Nicholas Cathedral.
The restored tower of the House of Books store.
An elite housing complex on Kamenny island.

It was build only recently — they have yet to remove construction debris. Building exteriors are a la Old World.

As described on their website, the complex includes the two surviving houses of the famous merchant Eliseev and a re-excavated canal. Six of the buildings, like the ones in the photo, are completely new.

The greenhouse on the right was built in the 19th century. It is unclear if anything was ever cultivated there, but it was used for filming "in the open air".

Actually, the whole complex was rebuilt in 1913 to house a movie studio, which was still here until recently.

One more almost completed elite complex. Most likely these are new housing units: the guards, the car lot, and the garages are all top class.

The style is of the mansion that used to be here.

That's it. On to Summer :)

I am very grateful (as are, judging by their emails, the foreign visitors) for the many volunteers who have been translating in to English the Wandering Camera albums.
They are: Polina Korchagina, Lev Kaufeldt, Larissa Rogacheva, Dmitry Yakimov, Nina Mamayeva, Lilya Sultanova, Maxim Shablygin, Yaroslava Yingling. And, of course, others, who've helped before or offered to help, but hadn't yet had time to submit translations.

In addition, let me say that — given the large number of albums — help with translating them is still very much appreciated.
Write to me.



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