Wandering Camera

Album 25
(Translated by Svetlana Guzeeva)


A walk along Neva. This time I decided to pay attention to the architectural details. Zimny(Winter) palace is missing here knowingly (even though it's situated at the Palace embankment) - I'm thinking of paying it more attention some time. Unfortunately, there's too little information about majority of buildings of this album in my literature. And perhaps it's not that important what exactly they're called.


Panorama. The chain of buildings on the right hand will be the main object of shoot. aug05_04.jpg (19047 bytes)
aug05_01.jpg (35496 bytes) aug05_03.jpg (22368 bytes)
aug05_02.jpg (38486 bytes) I'll mention by the way, that ever since Peter the I began lodging foreigners at the Angliyskaya(English) embankment, many buildings have retained their destination to this very day.
aug05_12.jpg (39706 bytes) aug05_05.jpg (30441 bytes)
These buildings are situated far from each other. But I considered the idea of putting them alongside rather successful.
aug05_07.jpg (30236 bytes) The saddest lion in the city out of all I remember..
Makes an impression that the child is alive. aug05_09.jpg (31799 bytes)
aug05_10.jpg (32501 bytes) aug05_11.jpg (29359 bytes)
An interesting building (especially in the yard). At present it's occupied by the bank "Saint-Petersburg". The latter fact definitely has done the building good, in the sense of restoration.
The Bronze horseman. Common foreshortening. 
One of the two places where according to the custom cars with the just-married drive to. The second is Vasilievsky island spit.
aug05_08.jpg (19519 bytes)
aug05_14.jpg (17398 bytes) View on the Peter-and-Paul's fortress from the Palace embankment.
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aug05_17.jpg (32627 bytes) aug05_18.jpg (32214 bytes)
These shots are made in the same place - inside the porch of the building 24 (or 25?) at the Palace embankment. The one above in the right. Before I used to pass it and never noticed and here now I made out - the lizard and griffins :) 
Not quite the embankment.. But almost. At long last every good puddle must have an embankment :) 
Millionnaya street, near Marsovo field - the building of the former quarter, if that's correct.
aug05_23.jpg (30656 bytes)

Such is the city. Next time we'll go to the suburb again, where we've not been yet.

Time flies insensibly. A year has passed since I started doing Wandering Camera. I hope that there'll be no reasons for me to stop doing what's started.


prev. album (24) (C) Петp Соболев next (26)


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