Wandering Camera

Album 247
(Translated by
Larissa Rogacheva)


Just as I promised before today I will show more St-Petersburg's buildings freshly restored for 300th jubilee celebrations.


We begin with the Peter and Paul's fortress.
The bell tower of the Peter and Paul's cathedral.

Built in 1712-1732 according to D. Trezini project.

Next to it - The Boat House,

Built in 1762-1765 by an architect A.Vist as a museum of the Firs Boat of Peter I ("The Russian Fleet's Grandfather")

Now the original boat is a part of Maritime Museum's exposition, however here is kept its exact copy.

The Michailovskiy (St. Michel's) or Ingeneerny (Engineer's) Castle.
Built in 1797-1801 by V. Brenna for Paul I.

The Castle is open now as a branch of the Russian Museum and housing the Russian Portrait Gallery.

A lot of changes took place here.

Firstly the building itself is finely restored completely. The color is back to original one.

Secondary the original ditch in front of the Castle was recovered as well as a stone bridge across it by the main entrance.

The ditch used to surround the castle, because of Paul's fear of being assassinated.
It did not help to unfortunate Emperor; "The Russian Hamlet" was strangled in his "save" castle just weeks after its completion.

Thirdly the square in front of the Castle there Paul installed the monument to Peter I by Rasstrelli changed its name for "Peter the Grate's Square".

The Mariinsky Theater at the Theater Square.

Built in 1845-1849 according to original project of A. Cavos but reconstructed at the end of 19th century

The Menshikov's Palace on University's embankment.
Built in 1710-1716 according to D.Trezini, D.M. Fontana and I.G. Shedel project.

The Fine Art Academy

Built in1764-1788 by architect J.B. Vallen De Lamotte.
In the Academy's courtyard was placed yet another gift to St-Petersburg from Moscow-the sculpture of its founder: count I.Shuvalov; by…. You (Russians :) guessed it: Zurab Tseretelly.

Sphinxes in front of Academy (likely not by Tseretelly)

Admiralty building
The view at the Palace Square from the Arch of the Mane Headquarters building.

Here everything had a face-lift; even the courtyard of The Hermitage was open to the public… eventually. Some photos of the courtyard are coming soon….




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