Wandering Camera

Album 240
(Translated b
y Andrei Frizyuk)


As usual at the end of each season, I suggest inspecting the photographs that have been piled up during the wintertime (and the late fall) but haven't been included in any of the albums.


Backyards near the intersection of Marat and Razyezjaya streets. They attracted my attention with their weird illumination.
An ordinary staircase in the Lomonosov street - midway between Zagorodny avenue and the Fontanka canal.
The Fontanka.

Somewhere near the Lomonosov bridge.

Kutuzov's monument in front of the Cathedral of Our Lady of Kazan
And this one is to Field-marshal Barclay de Tolly. The same location :)

Both were commanders of the Russian forces during the Napoleonic campaign of 1812 (first Barclay de Tolly, then he was replaced by Kutuzov).

A passageway leading to a courtyard somewhere near New Holland.

The prohibition sign didn't prevent someone very big from passing through ;)

Somewhere in the vicinity is this tower-house.

Perhaps it is a part of the palace of Grand Duke Alexei Alexandrovich (designed by Maximilian Messmacher).

Scaffolding has been removed from the Beloselsky-Belozersky palace.

The palace hue used to be dark red. It will take me some time to get used to the new colour scheme.

Near the walls of the Petropavlovka (the fortress of SS.Peter and Paul)

The lantern and its shadow are looking at each other :)

View from the Petropavlovka across the Neva, with the Saviour-on-the-Blood in sight.
The view from the Petropavlovka walls towards the Admiralty side. The Winter Palace and St.Isaac's Cathedral are seen.
The horses on the Anichkov bridge

I'd like to repeat that there is a new section in the right column of the Wandering Camera.
It contains snapshots from everyday life of the city and its environs.
Each month I'll display here the photos that haven't been included in other albums.



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