Some history:
Since 1720s here was an aqueduct - a pipeline for water supply of fountains in Letniy garden (there were many of them that time). It was dismounted after the flood in year 1777.
In 1824 a chain bridge, designed by engineers V.A. Khristianovich and V.K. Tretter, was constructed here.
In 1906, after same-type Egipetskiy (Egyptian) bridge had collapsed during the passage of Grenadier regiment cavalry squadron, Panteleymonovskiy bridge was dismantled and replaced with a temporary one made of wood.
However, it was not the only reason. The other was, that it has been intended to lay a tram line here. So, contemporaries upbraided the tram committee of municipal Duma (city Council) for the bridge dismantling. By the way, the tram line wasn't constructed. :) |