Wandering Camera

Album 204
(Translated by
Larissa Rogacheva)


Beginning with this album the photos will be don with my new digital camera: Nikon Coolpix 5700.
The high definition (2560x1920) and 8Xmultiple zoom would give me more possibilities for details and clarity on the background and foreground. The better dynamic range, the wider-angle lens and higher light-sensitivity are the other features of it.

Well lets look at the results of its work, back to Petergoff.


The Upper Park: The Great Palace and one of the wings.

The Russian Double headed Eagle is sitting on the apex of the rooftop.
As I already noticed once somewhere around The Cathedral on the Spelled Blood,
This eagle is infract has 3 heads and 3 wings- so it will be properly visible from any point of view. :)

The fish in the pond.
The Sea Canal from the second bridge
And from the first one.
Here the "Samson Defeating the Lion" looks a lot like the "Samson consumed by the Lion" :)
The statures of Mythological Heroes on the "Great Cascade"
The view from the Palace onto the Sea Canal and Finish Gulf.

On the sides we can see The "Voronikhin Colonnades".

The Urns
The close up
The "Voronikhin Colonnade",

By the way I do not remember those little fountains, probably they only appeared after resents restoration.

The "Dragon" or " Chess" cascade.

These pictures are pretty special, because normally it is next to impossible to see dragons up close…

The "Montpleser" Pavilion.
Well, perhaps the reason why lot of trees are naked

The "Bell" fountain is turned off.

The "Marly" Palace.

The "Summer" Pavilion.

The "Eve" fountain in front of it.

The "Lions" cascade.
This alley is leading us to The Great Palace.




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