Wandering Camera

Album 143
(Translated by Svetlana Guzeeva)


The following albums will be devoted to Priozersk (a small town to the north from Saint-Petersburg). 
But before that I decided to show several shots made on the way there. 


This is Razdolinskoye lake near the Razdoliye settlement. It's seen right from the highway. There's certainly no one here in the autumn but I suppose there'll be lots of people during the summer.

Through hearsay, the lake's depth is up to 8-9 meters.
The bank is sandy, abundantly covered with needles. 

The lake's bottom (within the sight) is also sandy. 

The pine-tree needles
And one more place on the way to Priozersk - it's the bridge over Vuoksa river. It's not far from Losevo.
Vuoksa is not quite/ not always a river. It's rather a system of lakes with a rapid stream here and there. At that it's so winding that it crosses this highway twice.
People like to rest here during the summer (including extreme rest :)
A second bridge is seen not far - the railroad one. 

Vuoksa flows into the Gulf of Finland and Ladoga at the same time, at that into the latter one - in two places at once. Part of it appeared artificially in the 19th century when the finns-farmers had built a dam and then it burst.

Priozersk itself will be presented in the following albums. 


prev. album (142) (C) Петp Соболев next (144)


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